Trading Bibles For Pornography

March 3, 2010 at 4:33 pm (Christian news) (, , , , , , , )


At the University of Texas at San Antonio, a campus atheist group began its attention-seeking “Holy Text-For-Porn” program.

For three days, members of Atheist Agenda set up a table on campus with a sign advertising “Trade in Holy Text 4 Porn” where they will give students pornographic magazines in exchange for any religious texts as part of their annual “Smut for Smut” campaign. Leaders of the atheist group argue that religious books contain violence, spark religious wars, advocate for the mistreatment of women and are therefore no better than pornography.

The “Smut for Smut” campaign, sponsored by the Atheist Agenda, had a clamorous kick-off Monday on the school’s campus. According to the UTSA Paisano:

A screaming, singing throng of UTSA students circled around the steps running from the JPL to the MS, anchored to a small booth offering the strange trade as opponents of the Atheist Agenda’s methods gathered in protest … Signs carried above the crowd included messages such as “Jesus Saves” and “Jesus loves the Atheist Agenda,” as well as more simple ones that consisted of nothing more than a penciled peace sign on a scrap of notebook paper. Others began singing hymns, including “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Through the growing wind and threats of rain, the two groups grew larger into the afternoon, and police began maintaining a safety buffer between the two groups. Inside this no-man’s-land, a third party began to form, composed of proclaimed agnostics asking for peace.

(Click here to read the entire article in the Paisano)

A university spokesman says that this controversial cause is completely legal, though he admits a majority of the students on campus do not agree with it.

The group will continue its activities on campus through the middle of the week, according to the site.

For video highlights from Fox News San Antonio, click here.

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